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Greyhound Rescue West of England is committed to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of greyhounds and lurchers nationally.


Oscar                                                                                               Blake

Oscar and Blake have arrived with GRWE in Somerset, having been rescued from terrible circumstances by Dog Action Welfare Group, in Ireland.

Both dogs carry great emotional scars, and this blog is intended to show how GRWE’s rehabilitation skills are being employed to help these terrified greyhounds.

This is what Carol Baby said when they arrived…

Sept 20th
“Oscar and Blake have come from Ireland from an unimaginably poor
environment. Both dogs had grown up in a kennel where they were seldom
handled and both have an abject fear of people. On a human entering their
kennels both will try to hide in their sleeping area shivering with fright
and Oscar will wet himself. Our mission is to get them walking out
comfortably on a collar and lead, to get them more trusting of humans, and
to eventually get them to a level of coping so that they can be homed. It is
a long term proposition. There are times when we have to  call the pace. For
example they are never going to choose willingly to come out of their
kennels when they don’t know what is out there. So although we need to be
gentle, consistent and trustworthy there are times when we are going to have
to say “Come on boys you can do this” and very gently and insistently give
them no choice. It is a fine line to tread. Lead walking in safe quiet
places, with other confident dogs, early on is important to help them start
to get exercise and to show them that actually it is fun out there. At the
moment getting a harness and lead on each dog is going to be a major task.
But they need to be walked in a harness to help them feel safe and to keep
them safe from backing out of their collars in fright. Using positive
rewards is the way forwards but at the moment neither can take a treat from
a human hand and won’t eat if anyone is watching.”

Watch this space!

Guess who is number one today!



NO not Andy Murray!   The big winner today was our Blakey who returned to Somerset to enjoy a day in the sun.  Of course everyone was overjoyed to see the gorgeous boy, and while every dog there is a winner to GRWE, there was only one who could go home with the big rosette.

Well done Blakey and Anne.  You made our day.

Words from Blake’s forever mum…

Anne sent us this comment recently; very sure you will be pleased this gorgeous boy is in good hands…


Blakey finally had the luck he deserved in coming to the hands of such a dedicated devoted and determined team.  He is settling in with Georgie and myself and our ambition is that he will come to realise that he is loved and that it is OK to enjoy living.

Blake at home!

Yes… this week Blake went home with new mum Ann and border collie sister Georgie.


There is every chance that as you read this Blake is lounging on a sofa with his name on it, thanks to everyone who believed in him – and yes, he was on there within 48 hours!  From his rescuers in Ireland, to the GRWE Somerset team who once again proved that every dog can be a perfect pet; faith, hope and love has won over darkness and neglect.


No need to ask Blake who the ‘team of the year’ is, and no need to ask any of you whether you ever doubted Blake.


Cool Hand Blake

Blake at home May 2013

Sometimes, when pictures show differences, there is just no need for words – just a small happy tear.

Blakey… handy around the house! :D

Blakey would like his fans to know that he has now become a useful dog. Here he is helping with the housework – clearing up wrapping paper for foster mum.
He says she was also very impressed when he joined the gang to watch the plumber mending the boiler – he says he wanted to be sure the house would be warm again. The plumber ignored him so well, while fussing all the others and letting them poke their noses in, that he couldn’t resist!
Barking at the postman was greeted with less enthusiasm. Blakey says  “whatever… I was being brave wasn’t I? These women!!”
Blakey being helpful March 2013

Home offers for Blake!



GRWE have had some great responses to the news that Blake is getting ready to become a forever dog.


If you have submitted details to us, please try to be a little patient as we catch up with things.


We know we haven’t been able to contact you Helen by email.  Could you please reply by commenting on this post, with a phone number so we can call you.  Alternatively you can ring 07000 785 092.


Happy days ahead!



Breaking news for friends of Blakey.

GRWE is pleased to announce to his closest friends, that Blake is now seeking a forever home.


Below this picture, the text that has just gone public at

Blake at home March 2013



Blake is a very brave Greyhound boy who has survived a long period of abuse which left him terrified of people.


He has a lovely nature despite this and is even beginning to show shy affection to his foster family – you can read his story here


He will need a very special  home  with experienced, patient owners who can give him  the time he needs – to get to know them at his own pace.


Blake is so good with other dogs and has not reacted on lead even to small ones – at his most frightened, he has never shown any signs of aggression to people or other animals.

He is house trained (even “goes” on command!) and walks beautifully to heel on lead.


He very much relies on his pack for confidence  in his foster home, where he lives with another greyhound, a lurcher and a German Shepherd and he will need to be homed to someone with at least one other dog.


We don’t think he would cope with children.


Now 4 years old, this beautiful and very special boy, so needs a quiet , loving home  with someone who can make the rest of his life happy and safe.

Blakey’s first sofa!

Blakey tried his out for the very first time this evening. First he put his nose on it  and ran  away, then he came back and tried a tentative paw  and finally, at the third attempt, he crept up onto it very, very carefully.
He says sofas are pretty comfy things and he’d like it known that he definitely wants one in his forever home – along with smoked salmon (he told his foster mum he was sorry, he didn’t realise it was the last slice);  occasional cups of tea (oops! ) and fresh cooked pasta with a soupcon of vegetable oil to improve his coat – he’s quite proud of it now the dandruff’s gone…
 Blakey's first sofa!
Yes, says foster mum, Blakey is getting much braver – he is even trying out his voice much more confidently  (hmmmm..)

If you hadn’t seen the inner dog… what would have happened to me?

Hello fans

I must update you all and tell you about my new life. Last Tuesday Carol came to see my mistress and they signed a form. As soon as
Carol left mistress said ‘yippee’. I gather this yippee form means I’m here for life now.
There are still lots of things I find very frightening but I’m learning that there are some wonderful things that aren’t
frightening. Number one is PLAY. I’ve never had the chance to play before but if you look at the first photo, you will see me running with Chika in the snow. DSC00402

Mind you, mistress says we’re not to play tag in the house so Chika and I only do that when we think she isn’t watching. She lets us have little
games together as long as we stay on the floor. See photos.
DSC00427 DSC00429
I also have a new wicker basket but Chika and I swap all the time. I look very smart in both beds but I thought the wicker basket was too
conservative so I’ve customised it and now it’s an original. Mistress hoovered up the bits so I can’t show you how much I took off.
I love going into the living room, which I didn’t do when I last wrote. The TV is a bit scary so mistress put a bed down away from that funny
object. I have a little peep at the TV on times and it’s not quite so scary now. She only put one bed down so the other night I brought in two
more, plus the front door mat, a pair of wellies, a pair of shoes and a book. This gave it the personal touch.

When mistress isn’t reading, she’s watching TV and knitting. I don’t know how she does it. When I tried knitting the room looked a bit like
it did at Christmas with the streamers around the room. Mistress spent ages unravelling the wool.

For some reason mistress hides all the food now. Don’t know why, a dog could starve. Never mind. Now that I have my yippee paper I can
experiment and try out lots of new things so life is quite exciting- I’ll keep you all posted.

I know there are things that are still very scary but I’m getting more confident all the time, and I’m happy and safe. Thank you to those kind
people at GWRE who rescued me. If you hadn’t seen the inner dog and believed I deserved a chance, what would have happened to me?


Blakey feeling his feet, and a reminder of this boy’s sad history.

Following are a few pics of the brave boy to chronicle his progress …

At first he would barely move from his crate in the kitchen – and I left it entirely up to him, apart from gently slipping a lead on every hour or so for the first few days to take him out for wees or for a wander round the garden with the gang. He soon got the idea though and was able to dash out of the crate by himself and out the open door when he wanted to go. About the middle of last week I brought him into the sitting room for a look round and to try out his bed there (strategically placed with his back to the wall) and it wasn’t long before he crept very carefully in by himself to join us:-


We got snowed in for a bit and he had fun exploring the courtyard….


and the garden….


But the joys of a warm sitting room and Cassie’s company soon lured him back in.


He continues to get braver every day – this however is probably a step too far – Skippy and I said a gentle no!

But actually it’s amazing how chilled he is standing so close to the scary human with the camera!


Oh dear the snow is nearly gone…

I’d better go and pose for foster mum again.


Just checking that everything’s the same on the drive now the snow’s gone – it’s Skip in the background of course who had his 2nd gotcha last week, so Blakey enjoyed his share of the celebration pilchard tea. I’m hoping occasional fish oil will help clear his considerable dandruff…


Sadly though….

The most extraordinary thing happened a couple of days ago – as I think everyone knows, Blakey has never been known to make a sound of any kind in all the time he’s been in kennels or here. All 4 dogs and I were chilling in the sitting room and I was eating a sandwich. Suddenly Blakey looked at the sandwich and tried to speak – a sound, very deep and muffled, came out of his throat , mouth closed. He looked at me, shot into the kitchen and wee’d on the floor in terror. I THINK HE’S BEEN BEATEN FOR BARKING IN THE PAST.

Of course I just ignored, let him out , cleaned up and then burst into tears!!

He’s really bonding well with the gang – even Miss Cassie rat bag who bullies him unmercifully … and he’s a joy to walk , never pulls, ignores everything and seems to enjoy the countryside (I have avoided areas with people for the moment). He has made 2 new friends – a vicar friend who was brilliant at ignoring him and then just walked round the garden with us and eventually took the lead and a neighbour who just sat quietly too. He’s accepted the presence of our dog walker (though he doesn’t go out with her).

He is doing it all at his own pace and I’m really proud of him.

Guess who’s stolen Teddy’s bed! The pictures you’ve waited to see…

Looks like Blake is settling wonderfully into his new home!

Blake at home2 Jan 2012 Blake at home Jan 2012

and comments from his foster mum…

Blakey’s achievements today:

Clean in the house overnight and all day.

Walked into the sitting room to join us all by himself.

Came into the kitchen from the garden all by himself – with me standing inside.

And nicked Teddy’s bed!

It’s a hard life being a GSD in a house full of hounds – relegated to the kitchen floor!

Looks like it will be a very good year!

Rosco at home – THE PICTURES

Sometimes I sleep in the small bed…

Rosco at home 2 dec 2012



and sometimes I sleep in the BIG bed ! 

Rosco at home dec 2012

Words from Rosco…

Hello fans,

I have only been here since Saturday but I think I’m relaxed enough now to write and let my fans know how I’m getting on.

First of all, you know me as Oscar. My new uprights said they wanted to give me a name that belonged to me and no one else but was also close
enough to Oscar not to confuse me. I am now Rosco. However, it is a bit confusing because sometimes they call me ‘Special Boy’. I also heard it
said that I was their best Christmas present. That worried me. The other presents were covered in paper, held together by sticky tape with a
stupid bow on top.

Everything was very frightening at first. I didn’t know where I was. However, it was warm, comfortable and quiet and, best of all, no one
fussed me. I could hear the uprights next door (door left open) in the kitchen and they are still spending most of their time in that room for
now.  It’s OK – they have the whole boxed set of of ‘West Wing’ to watch.

I have lots of walks and it didn’t take me long to understand that if I pee on lead and not in the house, they get very excited. If that’s all
it takes to keep them happy, that’s fine by me. I get home made treats too. I heard the one upright saying’greater love have no vegetarian
than to make liver treats for her dogs’.

My new companion, Chika, is a little confused as to why I’m here but he’s being very good to me. I’ve also met some funny little dogs
who live next door. Don’t they know real dogs have long legs?
I’m taking it slowly but every day life is getting better. Who said humans are difficult to handle? I overheard the one say ‘All Rosco has
to do is look at me and I melt’ – just you wait until I am confident enough to stand up and inspect all those kitchen surfaces!

Well, fans. I have to go now.

Rosco – xxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS Photos to follow when upright learns how
to download – with luck
later on today.

Oscar’s ‘first’ Christmas

It really has been a special time for Oscar (now Rosco) and his new family.  Things have gone well thanks to the experience, patience and care of his new mum and dad, and fireside friend Chika…


Rosco (Oscar) is doing very well. He pees on lead now so no more accidents in the house. It will take time for him to feel really secure but he will get there. We are starting to see the inner dog and love him to bits.

Chika is also being very good. He’s really very gentle with Rosco and obviously likes him. It’s a big thing for him too. We take each day as it comes.


Happy Christmas everyone!

BIG news for Oscar and Blake !

OSCAR is going HOME!!!!
He is going to a foster home with a view to staying forever. His new owners are very aware of his needs and he loves their Lurcher Chika. It is a lovely quiet knowledgeable home with a dog friendly garden. We know that his new Mum and Dad will help him to continue to take part in the big wide world. They will keep in touch and let us know how things go.
We are all over the moon
BLAKE is going to Foster in the New Year!!
He is coming out of his shell more and more. He turned a corner today being more natural on his walk and spending it sniffing around and chatting to other dogs, looking at people and doing what dogs generally do. He is also going to a quiet knowledgeable home with pals Cassie, Teddy and Skippy, he is going to love it! In a few months time he will be looking for a permanent home.
I think this will be our last entry in their blog. They have come a long long way. Thank you so much to all the people who have supported them and who have followed their story.
Be Happy Boys!

Oscar – another corner turned, another step closer…

Today I went to kennels to home Pixie. I popped in to see Oscar. He has turned another corner!!!!
He came excitedly out to meet me and danced a little dance for me! We played a game where I held the treat close to me inside my fist and he had to search for it (a big ask but he did it 3 times) When I went to his bed area to search for his kong he came with me!
Finally he came out to get his full kong and started licking it while I was still there.
Whoopeeee!!!! and I think he may be going to a foster home before Christmas!!!
Well done Oscar you are a such brave boy!
Oscar has overtaken Blake in his ability to cope with people now so it will be our next target to help Blake overcome his fears.

One of the gang!

Oscar, one of the gang; in the turquoise coat third from the right.
Today I returned to kennels after missing three weeks. I was overjoyed at the way Oscar came excitedly out of his bed to meet me for his walk. He took some cheese and then played advance and retreat as if he couldn’t believe how brave he was. Everyone has done a fabulous job with him while I have been away. He came out easily and walking him seemed no different from walking any other slightly nervous dog. Adele even managed to take this picture of him being one “of the gang” on her phone (so not great quality but you get the idea). 
It is good to go away and come back fresh because when you read the reports progress seems so slow but when you see the difference after three weeks you see a huge leap in Oscar’s responses to human beings. He now knows they provide fun things to do! Sadly any sudden movement of hand or foot sends him skittering away in fear and we can all guess what has caused that!
It was time to try and get him in the car. At first he refused to walk anywhere near it until Sandi brought two little lurchers Blitz and Rose up and walked to the car with him following. As soon as we opened the boot Blitz confidently jumped in the car and Oscar tried to back off. I had muzzled him so I felt ok to lift him in. He has never shown any aggression even when frightened almost to death by what we do but I don’t want to take chances.
He is heavy! He went rigidly stiff but I managed it. Once in there Sandi and Blitz and I sat in with him. He desperately wanted to jump out again but Sandi and I sat and chatted quietly and I stroked him. After a while he felt able to lift his head and look around but he could not take any cheese. He began to sniff the air and sniff Blitz. We sat for about 5 minutes and then we all got out and walked back to kennels. In kennels he did not rush to hide in his bed but stayed to empty my pack of cheese treats.
He waited excitedly for his kong and came out for it squeaking with happiness. He also lay in his bed licking the food out while we were watching.
All these are major steps and I think we will be looking for a foster home for him by the new year. How exciting!
AS for Blake he is still quite shut down but able to do everything that is asked of him so in the new year he may well be in a foster or even a permanent home.
It has been a major journey for these two guys but by Christmas 2013 they will be brave enough to come out of the dark corners and sleep by their own fireplaces.
Carol Baby
In the photo below, Blake is second left also walking happily with the pack like he is “one of the gang”!

Blake at Waggy Tails DTC

This weekend, Blake went to Waggy Tails …
Came happily out of the kennel with Jim, I walked him round the field a little and he was happy to jump in the back of my van and travelled very well.
Georgina worked with him.
He was happy weaving round the boulders across the road and was not bothered by traffic-he did jump in the air once when a loose collie came into view (we all beat a hasty retreat!!)
At first he would not take any food-even the delicious liver cake that he is usually willing to take from Georgina, however he managed to relax with Georgina gently stroking him in the sun in the play area and then he got to work. He was wary of Kev, but was not totally freaked out by him and was able to take treats and walk over some different surfaces and do some of the more straightforward groundwork.
He was happy to go into the training room and Georgina gave him a lovely massage before she got to work with him-he was able to do the cavaletti, go through the gate and despite being frightened of the giant peanut (exercise ball) at first was able to take treats off it after a while.
When we had our chill out time-despite us all being in the room together including 3 chaps -he was able to lie flat out and relax. Georgina feels he takes confidence from being with the other dogs and has no issues with other dogs. What an improvement-reckon his blog needs updating!!

A bounce in Oscar’s step, and Blake relaxed.

Today Georgina  walked Oscar with Blitz.
Oscar  came out of his bed to greet me and stood leaning  against the wall whilst I got him ready.  He stood calmly waiting for everyone to assemble, seemed to enjoy the company of all the other dogs.  He was a little apprehensive at the R’s noise, added to by Keela, but walked on        without prompting.
He strode out with a definite bounce in his step and relaxed tail.  We passed a man trimming the hedge, this freaked him a bit, he froze and started trying to back away but I put Blitz and myself in between them and he walked on after a moments thought.  It was as if he  had been taken by surprise.
The return past the R’s was okay. we got past before they got going at full crescendo. He was fine with passing cars. He did so well and really seemed to enjoy himself.

Ren walked Blake with a newbie tan lurcher called Rosie.

Blake hid round the corner by his bed when I went in to put his harness on him.He stood with his head down while I worked out how the harness attached but once it was on he happily walked out of the kennel with me. He stood calmly and relaxed while we waited to set off. He was relaxed for the whole walk. Several cars passed by and he didn’t seem bothered. He was interested in the Rotties when one of them jumped up above the wall but looked curious rather than worried.  His eyes were soft for the whole of the walk. He even stood his ground when Rosie, Classic and Duke crowded round him jostling for attention. He took a couple of treats from me once he was back in his kennel.

Oscar, Blake and liver cake!

Prior to today’s walk I sat with Blake and Oscar for about 45 mins between them. I had made some liver cake which went down well !!

OSCAR completely forgot himself when I arrived, he was very excited and even WAGGED HIS TAIL !  He took a treat from my hand, then realised the error of his ways and retired to his basket vowing never to get out again with me there !!

BLAKE was a little more relaxed this time, venturing a little closer to get the liver cake than he did last time I sat with him. He even returned to sit in his basket rather than hiding behind the wall and peering out periodically to check that there were no treats close enough for him to reach without coming further out.

Jan P

Ruth F…

A dry day, but very muddy in the fields, so we just walked along the road.
First I took out Blake, who was already dressed when I arrived.He was happy to be out, although a little quiet (not unusual for him), saying hello to the other dogs.He walked nicely down the road, having a big wee and a few sniffs, not worried about the cars passing. I had a little run with Blake, he did not mind running with me.

As we passed the Rotties on our way back, Blake became very animated, lifted
his head, had a little jump and seemed interested in saying hello to them. He
was neither worried nor aggressive towards them. Back in the kennel he enjoyed his already filled Kong.

Oscar was next. He was very excited, jumped out of his bed and came right up to the gate, but frightened himself in doing so, and went back to his bed. Once I
was in his kennel, he had a wee before I put his harness on.

His tail was straight down most of the walk, but was slightly tugged in when we
passed the Rotties.He did not worry when cars passed, but made a wide berth
around a stationary car. We had a little run, just to see how he would react.He
run with me willingly, looking up at me with a big question mark in his eyes.
Fair enough.

He was very keen getting back to his kennel, probably looking forward to his
Kong. Next big step for Oscar is getting into the van.